
You can use Tengine Kit to detect faces in images and video.

You can first give the repository a star, your star is the driving force of our efforts, this SDK is definitely your star.

Before you begin

first download tengine-kit-sdk1.0.0.aar

Then build.gradle in Main Module add aar dependency

    dependencies {
        implementation files('path/tengine-kit-sdk1.0.0.aar')

Face Detecter

1.Configure the face detector

Before you apply face detection to an image, you can change any of the face detector’s default settings with a FaceConfig object. You can change the following settings:

detect Whether or not to detect faces
landmark2d Whether to attempt to identify facial "landmarks": eyes, ears, nose,mouth, and so on.
video Whether or not use camera mode, image process is specially optimized in camera mode


    val config = FaceConfig().apply {
        detect = true
        landmark2d = true
        video = false


    val config = FaceConfig().apply {
        detect = true
        landmark2d = true
        video = true

2.Prepare the input image

You can change the input image settings with a ImageConfig object. You can change the following settings:

data Set image data byte array of image raw data
degree Set rotate degree need if in camera mode, need to rotate the right angle to detect the face
height Set bitmap height or preview height.
width Set bitmap width or preview width.
format Set image format, support RGB format and NV21 format current now.


    val byte = ImageUtils.bitmap2RGB(bitmap)
    val imageConfig = ImageConfig().apply {
        data = byte
        degree = 0
        mirror = false
        height = bitmapHeight
        width = bitmapWidth
        format = ImageConfig.FaceImageFormat.RGB


    val imageConfig = ImageConfig().apply {
        data = mNV21Bytes
        degree = rotateDegree
        mirror = true
        height = previewHeight
        width = previewWidth
        format = ImageConfig.FaceImageFormat.YUV

3.Use TengineKitSdk to predect

    val faces = TengineKitSdk.getInstance().detectFace(imageConfig, config)

4.Get information about detected faces

Each Face object represents a face that was detected in the image. For each face, you can get its bounding coordinates in the input image, as well as any other information you configured the face detector to find. For example:

    if (faces.isNotEmpty()) {
        val faceRects = arrayOfNulls<Rect>(faces.size)
        val faceLandmarks: MutableList<List<TenginekitPoint>> = ArrayList<List<TenginekitPoint>>()
        for ((i, face) in faces.withIndex()) {
    			val faceLandmarkList = mutableListOf<TenginekitPoint>()
    	       for (j in 0..211) {
        			faceLandmarkList.add(j, TenginekitPoint(face.landmark[j * 2] * width, face.landmark[j * 2 + 1] * height))
		val rect = Rect(
		    (face.x1 * width).toInt(),
		    (face.y1 * height).toInt(),
		    (face.x2 * width).toInt(),
		    (face.y2 * height).toInt()
		faceLandmarks.add(i, faceLandmarkList)
		faceRects[i] = rect

Human Seg

human seg only support portrait segmentation current now

val byte = ImageUtils.bitmap2RGB(bitmap)
val config = SegConfig()
val imageConfig = ImageConfig().apply {
		data = byte
		degree = 0
		mirror = false
		height = it.height
		width = it.width
		format = ImageConfig.FaceImageFormat.RGB
val bitmapMask = TengineKitSdk.getInstance().segHuman(imageConfig, config)