
This Tengine Kit app demonstrates how to use and integrate various vision based Tengine Kit features into your Android app.

Gradle Configure

first download tengine-kit-sdk1.0.0.aar

Then build.gradle in Main Module add aar dependency

	dependencies {
    	implementation files('path/tengine-kit-sdk1.0.0.aar')
  • Old version API : Use TengineKitCore-v0.0.4 or older version API to complete the functions you need.



  • Min Sdk Version 21


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

Access Guide

In setRotation of TengineKit Api, there are two parameters ori and is_screen_rotate, which are the rotation angle and whether to follow the screen rotation. Whether the android:screenOrientation parameter in the Manifest follows the screen can be set. Not setting this parameter is to follow the screen rotation.


1.Device preview

This part is to get data from Camera, as the SDK input. Android/source provide camera1 and camera2 example.

2.image format

sdk support rgb and yuv(nv21), camera1 get nv21 directly, but when use camera2 you need use our sdk convert to nv21 byte first.


We use the vertical screen as an angle of 0 degrees. The data collected by the camera will deviate from a certain angle. If the data collected by the camera cannot be preprocessed correctly, the face cannot be detected.


When rendering, it is rendered at an angle of 0°, which is the normal output that people see under normal circumstances. The Android part has Canvas and OpenGL rendering. Using OpenGL rendering can make your app better.